Sunday, 21 February 2010

My 1st Finish Schedule

I hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to (more or less...) face the new week. I had a nice and relaxing two days including lots of cooking and baking! I made the most tasty Apple Pie on Saturday! It was delcicious! Especially with vanilla ice cream. So good...

I also managed to get the house ready for spring. All is sparkly and fresh now and ready for the sun to come out!!!

But the best thing is that I finally finished the current assignment I was working on for my Interior Design course. It's the 7th out of 12 so I'm slowly getting there... only four more to go! This assignment was about developing a finish schedule for a whole house belonging to a young family.
Et voila! This is what I imagined my imaginary house belonging to my imaginary clients to look like! Enjoy... I'd certainly be happy to move in straight away... ;-)


Spare bedroom


Second bathroom

Main bedroom

Boys bedroom

Girls bedroom

Looking at the pics I realize that there is a lot of grey going on here, but I must admit I'm a big fan of grey...

And last but not least... apple pie

How was your weekend???

(images: House to Home, House Beautiful, Country Homes & Interiors, Fresh Home)


  1. Oh my goodness!! I love, love, love your house you have created, I could move in there and not change a thing!! Love your style ~ well done to you:) That apple pie looks pretty darn good to, I must say!! thanks for sharing and I am sure you will ace that assignment, I just love it!! Have a great day ~ Tina x

  2. I, too, am becoming a big fan of grey. I just had my library built in my home and I had the walls done a dark grey and I am very happy with the colors in the room. Check out my blog and let me know what you think of the room.
    p.s. Nice apple pie!!!! Yummm!

  3. Hi both,
    Thanks so much for your kind words. It's so good to hear that you like it! Will let you know what the tutor thought if it!
    Elise - I will make sure to check out your blog. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!!
    Have a nice day guys!

  4. Good morning Nadine!!!I love the photos of your dream house, above all bathrooms, boyroom and spare bedroom!!and your apple pie of course!!!!!!;-)

  5. So proud of you darling..fantastic job on creating that dream house for your imaginary client...imagine when it is actually a real home with real people living proud you will REALLY REALLY feel with yourself...fantastic job!! And ...may I have a slice ...pleeeeeeease? :) x

  6. Beautiful rooms you have chosen for your design course. I'm sure you will pass with flying colours. I especially like the main bedroom because it opens directly to the garden.
    However I'd like to point out to one detail in the boys' room. I don't think it's a good idea to have an electricity outlet right on the wall where the kids draw with chalk. I think it's downright dangerous. Maybe you could photoshop that part so it disappears? Just an idea. Good luck to you with this assignment!

    And have a fantastic week!

  7. Ooh I'll got for that beautiful main bedroom and your apple pie! It looks amazing!

  8. Oh thanks so much for all your kind feedback. That's great and much appreciated!

    Anna - wouldn't it be great if they were real clients? I can't wait!!! Of course, you can have a slice. I'll send it over ;-)

    Kifus - Thanks so much for pointing that out. I must admit I hadn't noticed the outlet. You're right. That can be dangerous!

  9. actually...with a pie like that would be better!!!

  10. I bet my pie can't compete with the delicious Tiramisu you can get in Italy!! ;-)

  11. we should have a competition, shouldn't we?
    i propose my self as examiner!

  12. Hello, I live in Sydney Australia, and I think we are doing the same assignment for the same course! How funny! My tutor told me to google finish schedules to give me ideas on how to set it out. Love your design work. good luck.

  13. Hi there

    I have just come across your blod and I am also about to embark on completing a finsihin schedule also for module 7, you must be doing the ID course? Great coourse

  14. Hi there anonymous,

    Yes, I'm doing the ID course as well! How do you find it? I think it's getting quite challenging now. I'm working on assignment 9 at the moment!

    All the best,

  15. This course must be very popular because i am also a student of this course. I am currently looking for ideas on how to complete the Finishing schedule assignment :-)your pictures look great! all the best with assignment 9!


  16. This is spooky! I was just searching the internet for a sample Finishing Schedule beacuse I too am on the IDI's Module 7! It's certainly nice to know there are others out there doing the course. Best of luck to you all and Oh, wish I could bake apple pie like you!

    UK - 27 May 2010

  17. Hello!
    I am also doing the IDI course and am starting assignment 7. I really like the photos you have chosen to represent your design ideas - did you submit these photos along with a written essay, or with a tabled schedule? I am a bit unsure as to how I should carry out this schedule (whether in a table or paragraphs of descriptive text). Any help would be much appreciated!

    Annika from London

  18. I can't believe I ma too one of those student like you!!! And too looking at some idea to start my module 7 from the ID course! This is really spooky!! But thank you very much for the idea on how to proceed with the assignement!

    Virginia from somewhere in the world!!!!

  19. Hi Annika

    No, I didn't submit the photos for assignment 7. They were more for myself, to help me focus on what I wanted to achieve in each room. For the assignment I submitted an essay describing the finishes walls, floor, ceiling, cabinets and worktops, window frames etc for each room as well as an excel sheet specifying the exact colour and finish for everything.

    It seemed very daunting at the beginning but one I started it all fell into place...

    Good luck with your work!

  20. Hi Nadine

    Thanks very much for your reply, helpful stuff! Yes, it does seem a daunting task at first but once my designs ideas were flowing I got really in to it!
    I hope you enjoyed the rest of the course!

    Thanks again,

  21. Hi there,

    I just discovered your post, almost a year after the fact. I was searching for a sample of a finsih schedule. I suspect we might be participants of the same course! Did you do yours through The Interior Design Institute? I am on module 7 now. And it realy is slowly but surely.

    How did you find it in general? And what happened in the end? Are you now an amazing designer?

    I would love to hear how a fellow design traveler found the experience.



  22. how strange! I am also about to start module 7and googled finish schedule samples, as was wondering how to start this assignment.

  23. Hi. Like so many others here, I've come across your blog while searching for a plan for a finish schedule. Funnily, I am in Brisbane, Australia doing an external course from a Sydney company Interior Design Institute and am up to module 7 too. When looking through those gorgeous photos, I could have sworn they were meant for a contemporary modern Queenslander style home. Nice to see that beautiful interior design translates across the continents. I am looking forward to following your blog. Lovely to find you across the ether!!

  24. Sorry for my late reply...
    @Anonymous from 8th August: Good luck with your finish schedule. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

    @Anonymous from 19th August: Thanks a lot for your kind words! Good luck with everything!

  25. Super spooky , Guess what i'm just trying to get my head round IDI module 7 & how i'm going to proceed with it, and was google-ing for some inspiration and came across this blog , it's nice to know it's not just me that feels like they have hit a fork in the road , i have ideas in my head i'm just trying to lay them on paper , stumbling across here has given me new found hope :)
